Thursday, August 23, 2012

Big Round Red Revisited

This is a story I came up with more than a year and did some illustrations in ink that didn't out thaaat I went over the original drawings digitally. Hopefully these look a fraction better.

Monday, August 20, 2012

New Stuff

here are some new things I've been working on. I'm using more vector and going for a paper-cut out look.
The animals are just animals I like.( more of those on the way - birds!) The raccoon is actually from another project Im working on but I wanted to use that sketch for this purpose.



Saturday, August 4, 2012

Shrunk! Final Illustrations

Here are a few finished pieces from the kid's book I'm working on for Write Brain Books. The unofficial title I came up with is "Shrunk" but who knows what the title will end up being.
